A New Dawn

Introduction ~ A Change of Heart

Our life stories, however different from each other, have led us all to a similar place in life. We have lived and loved, lost and learned; we are looking within, and looking out, wondering what the future holds in store…

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Beyond the Veil

I realized dying didn’t matter, I was still me… Not only was I still very much alive, I was reunited with the totality of my being. It felt much more like I was being born.

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We are all Healers

We heal every day, every time we work on our insecurities, our emotions or our hurts; every time we choose to expand to more openness, more happiness, and more peace.

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Times of Transition

This is the era of our awakening… Through a succession of breakdowns, breakups and breakthroughs, we are breaking free…

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Understanding our Shadow

It is because we have already done the first steps in self love, that embracing the shadow is simply the next thing on the list…

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Our inner strength: Reconnection

Unshakeable strength lies in understanding, acceptance and trust ~ in ourselves, the world, and the process of Life.

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The Shadow in the Mirror

Our collective shadow is projected large across the planet… Once we do our own shadow work we are no longer controlled by our unconscious parts. Now, equate that to the world picture… On all levels we take back control over our own lives.

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What is Happening to Time?

… what is “being in the now?” … and what is “the end of time?” ______________________________ It is not really that time is moving faster, but rather that as our consciousness expands more is happening within a set time frame than ever before…

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Poetic Passages

A beautiful collection that tells the story…

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Please Note

…I share my experience of the law of attraction, my understanding of the role of suffering, and the keys to dropping victim hood…… I describe my openings to unconditional love, and instances of finding myself “in the now” …. I speak too of the changing ages and how they affect our daily lives … I describe The Quickening…

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