A New Dawn

Introduction ~ A Change of Heart

Our life stories, however different from each other, have led us all to a similar place in life. We have lived and loved, lost and learned; we are looking within, and looking out, wondering what the future holds in store. It is no coincidence that we are all on the planet at this time. None of us got here by mistake.

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Chapter 2 ~ India my Love

“Is India nice?” I have often been asked. Well…there are many superlative adjectives that may partly describe the full feature, action packed, epic 3D movie that is India.”Nice” is not one of them! Mind-boggling comes close…

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Chapter 3 ~ The Myth of Death

Death is not an end, it is an expansion. It is not a sleep, it is waking up. It is shedding the layer that separates us from the whole, to reveal that which we have always been. It is the rediscovery of our expanded self.

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Ch. 11 ~ Reconnection

We are now reconnecting. Our relationship to ourselves is the key factor because we are a bridge. It is through our fundamental inner relationship, through our daily work and presence, that we each facilitate the light of consciousness, the light of love, to become increasingly anchored in our world.

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Ch. 14 ~ Embracing our Shadow

It is vital for us to know our shadow parts so that we harbor no inner conflict, and therefore no dis-ease. So that one part of us is not condemning another part for not being smart enough, strong enough, or good enough…

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Ch. 30 ~ Preparing for Disclosure

…It’s not that I ever had a problem with believing in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. In such a vast universe, it is plainly logical that we are not the only planet with intelligent life forms. However, it was the closeness and the extent of the interaction that surprised me…

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Please Note

…I share my experience of the law of attraction, my understanding of the role of suffering, and the keys to dropping victim hood …… I describe my openings to unconditional love, and instances of finding myself “in the now” …. I speak too of the changing ages and how they affect our daily lives … I describe “The Quickening”…

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