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Now I can hear the rain is falling
and I can feel the angels calling
I’ve got so many dreams to live
A lot of loving still to give
A million things unseen to see
Oh, won’t you come discover life with me?
It’s our choice who we want to be
Only we can set ourselves free
We realize when we’ve had enough
that no one else can do it for us
So let’s turn the visions that we see
into everyday reality
Be beautiful, sacred and free
A part of nature’s harmony
There’s too much hurt and too much pain
Too many lies told again and again
Many will filter what they see
Denying to feel the urgency
Believing that things will stay the same
involuntarily playing the game
Yet we all know deep in our heart
That we are here to do our part
It’s up to each to find which way
We can help start a brand new day
And turn the visions that we see
into everyday reality
Be beautiful, sacred and free
Oh, won’t you come discover life with me?
You can take others by the hand
and guide them towards the new land
But even if their dreams you touch
you can really only do so much
‘Cause when you finally come to the door ~
a space so different than before ~
it’s up to each to walk on through
and be trusting in something so new
In this time we chose to be alive
given the strength and vision to thrive
We will reach the dimension above
a space built on the foundation of love
the place they call “the promised land”
I want to be there… holding your hand
So won’t you come discover life with me?
Oh, won’t you come discover life with me?
Lyrics by Chandra Moonchild, at 16
Fiji, 2005
Composed, produced and recorded by Stephan Jurjahn
Music by Stephan Jurjahn, vocals by Serena Stillwell ~ see CREDITS >>
CF dm G
C F C F dm G B C G G F C
C F C G dm B G A F G B C G
dm C dm dm B C G dm B C G
dm C dm dm B G A F G B C G G F C
dm C dm dm B G A dm am G B C G G F C
© 2012 Amber Dawn